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More Growth.
Less Headaches.

Today is a great day to start living.

I, [your name], choose my thoughts. I know that doing my best starts with thinking my best. Like laying a path for an adventure, these thoughts will set the course for my actions.

I'm confident that what I think matters. I'm excited to see what happens next. I'm disciplined and dedicated to stick with it. Here are ten things I know:

1. Today is brand-new and tomorrow is too.
2. I've got a gift worth giving.
3. The only person standing in my way is me, and I quit doing that yesterday.
4. I am the CEO of me, and I am the best boss.
5. Winning is contagious. When I help others win, I win too.
6. Feeling uncomfortable is just a sign that my old comfort zone is having a hard time keeping up with me.
7. Momentum is messy.
8. Everything is always working out for me.
9. I am my biggest fan.
10. The best response to obstacles is to do it anyway.

I've pulled the slingshot back. I'm not leaving this room, I'm launching from it, ready for a day of untold opportunities. I've packed honesty, generosity, laughter, and bravery for the road ahead. Watch out, world! It's time to step up, step out, and step in.

Believe in your growth, and the incoming rewards will follow.

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